Our clinic for an acupuncture and moxa therapy is based on Oriental Medicine.
In Oriental medicine, it is very important to always maintain the body in good condition because everything in our body is connected.
When our shoulder is painful, we are advised to have therapy to treat the pain. However, therapy alone will not guarantee to heal and solve the problem.
There is a high chance that the pain will come back after a while. Therefore, the root source of the problem is not the shoulder but is indirectly coming from a different part of the body that needs to be treated. In this case, our fundamental treatment is highly recommended.
Our treatment style is a traditional Japanese style.
We will be using delicate needles that are as thin as a human’s hair along with warm moxa.
In this style, you won’t feel any pain upon the insertion of the needles into your skin for acupuncture. You can thoroughly rest and relax while taking our treatment.
If acupuncture isn’t your thing, we can recommend a different approach that doesn’t involve any skin penetration.
This other option only involves touching and rubbing the skin using special needles.
Hence, our goal is to alleviate your pain in the best method possible to provide optimum care and well-being. Please book an appointment with us.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon.